Mel and Dudley’s Pond Northamptonshire

Mel and Dudley already had a pond of around 3,500 Gallons but wanted to build a new pond a lot larger to make use of the space their garden had to offer and their ever growing collection of lovely koi.

The pond was definitely not an easy build as the new pond was to hold around 16,000 Gallons of water. We had heat waves, access issues and many other complications along the way which made the build a challenge. The pond was to be mostly in the ground and of a formal design. Giving the fish loads of space to stretch their fins and to continue growing.

Lots of flow in the pond and with it being heated gives the fish the perfect environment to thrive in. There are over 45 koi in this pond.

  • Filtration used : QK65 drum, QK450 bio and a Profi 30 combi
  • Duratech Heat Pump
  • 40W and 80W UV’s
  • 2 x Bakki shower filters with BHM media and CSM media
  • 6 x 4″ feeds to filtration

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